Sunday 17 May 2015

This is what they call a Black OPs(black Operations)

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  1. Sharone Stainforth (58)
You would think I am a member of this board, right...wrong...I am not allowed to post there.
I am going to emphasize this because I think it is important...

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  1. Sharone Stainforth (58)...I am banned...they would just like you to think I am not, I most certainly am banned. It's called black ops...the trouble is if they took me into a court of law, they would be well and truly fucked...because I have backup information.
All the so called experts try and tell me' well there's only 40,000 world wide...please don't mock. If there was only 1,000 people left in scientology...half are in the government, a quarter of that is in the National Health service and the other quarter are in Intelligence...that is more than enough to cause a storm...worldwide. Accordingly there are owing to the British concenciss only 2,000+ scientologists in the United Kingdom, so double that up,it's still an awful lot of people in the right places causing havok.

There is an awful lot more I could say...but why is falling on deaf ears.

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